EeeUbuntu Frustrations
Day 25 and 26

Error 21: Selected disk does not exist.
Day 25 and 26
Error 21: Selected disk does not exist.
Day 24
I spend much of my free time getting wrapped up in viral videos posted on sites like youtube and digg. The relationship between Flash and Linux has been a rocky one, and lagging or choppy videos on the Eee seems to be a recurring topic on Eee forums. Fortunately, that hasn't been the case for me. Instead, flash videos periodically cause Firefox to crash. It isn't any one specific video or site that causes this, so this has to be an issue with Xandros. And it may be a deal breaker for me.
Tomorrow is the 1/4 mark for my 100 days experiment. I think I'm going to celebrate by ditching Xandros in favor of EeeUbuntu. There's not harm in trying - if I hate it, I can use the supplied restore disk to bring back the original operating system.
Here are two of the crash messages from earlier today.
Day 23
I went to my Mom's house for Thanksgiving, and after too much turkey and fixings, my brothers and I ended up on the couch - me with the Eee, and them with their Macbooks. Here's what I observed:
0 thoughts Labels: battery life, mac, wireless
Day 23
Tonight I found a nifty little feature in the background settings that allows multiple backgrounds to be selected as part of a slow moving slide show. I don't think this is a feature available on Windows or even other Linux distros (?), so while it's a small detail, it makes Xandros just a bit more aesthetically pleasing.
0 thoughts Labels: advanced desktop, background, xandros
Day 22
Web site keyboardr is an as-you-type search mashup of Google (including blog and image search), Wikipedia, and YouTube with blazing speed. Once you see a result you like, just use your arrow keys to navigate to the result, then hit Enter to open it.
- Lifehacker
0 thoughts Labels: discomfort, keyboard, surfing, touch pad
Day 21
There are some intentional incompatibilities between Audacity and proprietary files formats (.wma, for example). Apparently this applies to mp3s as well because a separate file is needed in order for Audacity to export projects as an mp3, and while Ogg Vorbis is just as good, it just isn't the standard yet. LAME is needed.
On a Windows computer, installing LAME is no more difficult that downloading the file and then directing Audacity to its location. It proved to be much more difficult on Linux. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough, but I couldn't find a location to download the file Audacity was asking for (Incidentally, Windows Audacity asks for lame.dll). I decided to compile the file from source. Here's how.
0 thoughts Labels: audacity, lame, media, mp3
Day 19
I'm quickly approaching the three week mark of my Eee experiment, and I'm finding it more and more difficult to post on my daily experiences. I was actually feeling a bit of pressure to put something out every night, but that's not what this blog is about. I had to remind myself why I started this in the first place.
Netbooks like the Eee are gaining popularity, and will no doubt be a hot item this holiday season. This blog was created to share my adventures with the Eee - a one-stop solution for Eee users looking to get the most out of their machines. With Google and dedicated message boards like EeeUser, it isn't hard to troubleshoot and customize the Eee, but I thought it would be nice for someone to be able to come here and work through what I did to make the Eee most ideal for me.
At first I had a laundry list of things that I wanted to accomplish. Many of these items have been crossed off now, so I'm starting to slow down on the blogs. That doesn't mean I'm not using my Eee. It's on all day, and I'm still enjoying it very much. So I guess no news is good news, right?
0 thoughts Labels: blog, Eee PC
Day 18
I use Audacity (along with Hydrogen) to record demo tracks of songs. I haven't played in a band in over a year, but I miss playing, and I still have songs rattling around in my head. Audacity helps get those out. It isn't intended to do large-scale sound recording, but it works well with my makeshift "studio" in the basement. I also use Audacity at my school were I head up the school's "radio station." Much of this duty is spent teaching kids how to record, edit, and produce shows that are then broadcast on a short-range transmitter. It's basically a glorified podcast, but again, Audacity gets the job done.
I wanted to see how Audacity performed on the Eee, despite its limitations. Rather than turn to the console this time, I check Synaptic, and it popped right up. (I'm guessing it is included in the Xandros repos, but I may be wrong.)
Audacity has a history of hiccups on Linux machines. People, including myself, have experienced strange errors messages that made it impossible to record. Fortunately, I didn't run into this problem on the Eee. I grabbed my guitar and click on record.
0 thoughts Labels: audacity, media, recording, sound
Day 16
I'm being optimistic with the title of this post - I'm making the assumption that there will be a Part II post where all the problems listed below will be rectified. Maybe I'm setting myself up. Only tomorrow will tell.
My brother gave me Ubuntu loaded onto an 8GB flash drive for my birthday, and today I decided to see how it would perform on my laptop. I know it wouldn't be ideal since there is an Eee-specific Ubuntu, but it would at least give me a chance to go through the process of booting from a USB.
I knew I would have to change the boot order, so first step was to change some settings in the BIOS. One little problem though - the BIOS splash screen had long since disappeared during start up. After a few helpful suggestions from the folks at EeeUser, I figured out that quick boot was enabled. To fix this, all I needed to do was frantically press F2 immediately after powering on the Eee. From there I disabled the quick boot and then went to change the boot order.
I did not see an option for booting to a USB, per se. The closest option referred to it simply as an "external device." Strangely enough, it was already listed at the top of the boot sequence. Anticipating a quick solution to the task and an easy blog entry, I plugged in my flash drive, saved changes and restarted the laptop. It booted normally into Xandros. Crap.
Here's where it gets tricky. I noticed that upon loading KDE, the USB icon in the menu was curiously absent. Even though the flash drive was present, the Eee was not detecting it. I unplugged it, and then put it back in - this time it detected the USB drive no problem. I tried shutting down and restarting several more times, all with the same outcome.
For some reason the Eee is not detecting a flash drive that is loaded prior to powering on. This is a definite problem for anyone looking to boot to a USB, although I know it is possible based on countless wikis and forum conversations. My project for tomorrow is first figure out why my Eee is not playing nice with BIOS and USB devices. Stupid acronyms.
1 thoughts Labels: BIOS, eeeuser, operating system, Ubuntu, USB
Day 15
DejaVu Sans is the default font in Oo Writer, and while I like it better than Arial or Times New Roman, it just isn't cutting it for me as a primary font. I noticed that DejaVu does some strange things when its converted to pdf files (and since my Eee is not connected to a printer, and my machine that is connected doesn't have OpenOffice or DejaVu, this is my only option for producing hard copies). Letter spacing selectively disappears. I don't know if this is a font issue, or an quirk with the pdf export function, but for the time being I decided to look into some other, time-tested fonts.
My first thought was to get back to basics - the core Microsoft fonts. This was fairly easy since I already had the necessary Xandros repositories. Instructions on how to add them can be found on the EeeUser wiki page. From there, it was a quick trip to the console, and I had all the basic fonts ready to roll.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
0 thoughts Labels: fonts, OpenOffice, PDF
Day 13
I have OpenOffice installed on my other computers and have never had a problem with it. Differences between it and Microsoft Office are minor and there are a few options that Word is missing. For example, the pdf export option saves all kinds of headaches when it comes to using fonts not installed on other computers.
But tonight I ran into some weird formatting issues that I've never encountered before. I use a lot of frames/text boxes and I especially like the formatting options that Writer has for these. The problem I was running into was that things were randomly repositioning or disappearing completely whenever I'd close out of the file. It was actually quite irritating especially when it involved having to resize or move multiple frames. At first I thought it had something to do with the anchor option (which, for the record, I never quite understood), but then I figured it out. In an attempt to make the Eee more versatile, Asus defaults all OpenOffice Writer files to be saved as .doc files. This does weird things to formatting options that aren't available on Microsoft Word. It was a simple fix - save everything as .odt files.
0 thoughts Labels: applications, file extensions, Microsoft, OpenOffice
Day 12
My wrist hurts.
This can mostly be blamed on mousing around with the touch pad, but the tiny keys haven't helped much either. To put it into perspective, there are 35 keys crammed into a 3"X3" section of keyboard. I can still touch type on my Eee, but strain is becoming an issue.
0 thoughts Labels: discomfort, keyboard, touch pad
Day 11
We had our awards ceremony at school, and all went well. I connected the Eee to an LCD projector to play a java version of Jeopardy with the kids and to show a brief Oo Impress slide. I had zero connectivity problems. The Dell laptops that the school has assigned to the projector carts often spent valuable class time searching for a signal. The Eee connected immediately and toggled between the LCD and its own screen flawlessly by using Fn+F5.
I know very little about LCD resolutions, lumens, or any other factor that contributes to the quality of the projection. At first glance, I didn't notice any difference in quality between the Eee through the projector and the typical performance of the Dell. But screens that were more text than images definitely seemed grittier. I don't think anyone noticed but me, but it makes me curious to see what a movie would look like.
After the awards, one of the teachers on my team dropped off a digital camera loaded with pictures from the day. We like to keep our team website up to date, so getting those pictures formatted and posted was a priority. I mentioned in an earlier post how easy it was to install Gimp on the Eee, but this was my chance to really get my hands dirty in some bulk image editing.First challenge - getting the image files to a place where they can be stored. My plan was to use the SD slot on the Eee and, in the interest of saving space, transfer them directly to an 8GB USB flash drive. Each file hovered just above 1mb and there were 46 total. I selected all from the SD and copied them into the flash drive. It only took about 30 seconds. So far, so good.
For our site, I like to keep the pictures at 400 X 300 - that way they aren't too small, but not large enough to warrant making thumbnails. In my Windows days (it seems much longer than 11 days ago!) I would simply open all 46 files into Photoshop and do some quick cropping and resizing. I had a feeling that my little machine wouldn't fare so well with everything at once, so I opted to only do ten files at a time. Gimp lagged a bit, and it took around a minute to open each set of files, but with the factory-installed 512 ram, it's about what I expected.
I'm not sure of the pixel size of the camera, but the images were 3072 X 2304 with a resolution of 72. Cropping, resizing, and saving files on Gimp was comparable to Photoshop both in difficulty and amount of time needed.
Today's work on the Eee proved that while it may not be a media superstar, it can hold its own for presentations and image editing.
0 thoughts Labels: gimp, LCD, media
Day 10
I ran into my first brick wall using the Eee PC. My team at school recently decided to hold a small awards ceremony to mark the end of the first 10 weeks. We chose students for high achievement and effort, and one of the teachers created award certificates using Microsoft Publisher. During our team meeting, she wanted to show us her design, so she popped her flash drive into my Eee. Nothing recognized the .pub file.
The woes of Publisher is a familiar one for Linux users. I went through this same predicament last year while using Ubuntu. Users looking to do desktop publishing will find solace in Scribus, however it did me no good in regard to our student award files - Scribus is unable to open .pub files.
How big of a problem is this for potential Asus customers? No very. After all, how often does the average user even open Publisher? For those that use it often, go with Scribus. It's quite similar. Just don't plan on pulling up old projects done with Microsoft Publisher.
1 thoughts Labels: applications, Microsoft, Publisher, scribus
Day 9
I ran into some trouble today while trying to play a movie in .avi format. My first instinct was to download as many codecs as possible, but I stopped myself. I'm trying not to let this machine get screwy as a result of strange downloads or stupid user decisions. For example, I keep getting errors anytime I either apt-get update on the console, or update Synaptic. I'm sure I added a repository wrong at some point. Not a big deal, but it serves as a good example why I don't trust myself installing codec packs.
Instead I decided to install VLC. It's a small download, and is the standard for playing .avi files. It required a repository add, but I must have done it right this time, because it worked like a charm. Here's the console commands I used.
sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list
deb stable main contrib non-free
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vlc
VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. |
1 thoughts Labels: eeeuser, media, VLC
Day 8
Well, I made it though my first week with the Asus Eee PC. When I first half-jokingly proposed the idea of going cold turkey on all my other computers, I figured it would be much more difficult. While it hasn't been all kittens and tulips, I must say my overall experience with the Eee has been enjoyable.
Since today marks the completion of approximately 1/14th of the experiment, I thought it might be fitting to give my initial pros and cons of the Eee PC. If they change enough maybe I'll do an updated list every week.
The idea of a tiny laptop was what drew me to the Eee in the first place, but I wasn't sure if the novelty would wear off. How would I handle a screen roughly the size of one on an ATM, and a chicklet-sized keyboard? Surprisingly it was quite easy to adapt, although I found myself typing with my pinky far more than I ever did before. Overall, I'm still impressed by the ultra-portability of the Eee. Besides, nothing looks cooler than walking down the hall carrying a laptop with one hand like a paperback book.
I've been getting about four hours of life before getting to 10% and plugging the Eee in. That's almost double what I usually get on my HP. I've yet to have it completely die on me.
I got into a Linux kick last fall, so I have about a year's experience on the operating system. I'm most comfortable with Ubuntu, and I have a desktop with Google's G Os, but I've played around with all the popular flavors. Maybe this is why I didn't feel too lost when I first started up the default Xandros system. I'm listing Linux as pro for all the usual reasons – open source, fast, and flawless. In the first week, I've only had one error message (with Firefox), and I think it was an Internet connectivity issue, and not with the operating system.
If I had bought the Eee before last fall, I might
be singing a different tune – and this is why I'm also adding Linux to my cons list. Using Synaptic and the console are second nature for me now, but newbies may run into some serious trouble. In terms of customization, the Eee only has extremes. Easy mode is too restrictive, and advanced mode is truly for the advanced user.
I'm having one hell of a time connecting to wireless signals. To be fair, I have only had the opportunity to do so with my home router, so I need to do some testing to rule out the possibility that it's a problem outside of the Eee. On average though, it takes about six minutes to connect. I've googled this problem, and it seems to be a consistent woe on Eee forums and wikis. The machine detects the signal, but then hangs forever before connecting.
Again, I'm comfortable using open source applications such as Pidgin, Thunderbird, and the OpenOffice suite, but I'm trying to write this from the perspective of a novice user. Xandros in advanced mode looks and feels much like Windows, so users may do some chin scratching when the try to click on a familiar-looking icon. Plus, even with Synaptic, downloading new applications can be iffy. There are no repositories, so that's an extra step to the usual search-and-install Synaptic bliss.
0 thoughts Labels: applications, battery life, linux, wireless
Day 7Today at school I took advantage of some of the external ports on the Eee and the monitor for the now-dormant desktop computer supplied by my school. Connecting it was surprisingly easy. Plugged it in and the monitor flicked on. Fn+F5 let me choose to turn off the LCD or have it displayed on both. And by changing the external display options found in the Control Center menu, I was able to get it to run in 1024X768 resolution.
I also decided to install Gimp. I've had limited experience with image work using Gimp and although it's no Photoshop, it's what available, so it'll have to do. It took about 25 minutes, but I made the banner for this blog. Not bad, huh?
I used the console for Gimp. In case you're interested, here's the commands. I have no idea if it requires any special repositories. It didn't for me, but that means very little because I've been adding repositories like crazy. The more the better, right?
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gimp
2 thoughts Labels: external ports, gimp, monitor
Day 6
I need a copy of the 1983 movie The Outsiders to show to my students. I'm almost positive there's a copy of it in the building somewhere, but just in case, I'd like to download a backup copy in the event that my colleagues fall through on delivering the goods. But how do I download on a computer that only has about 1GB of available space?
First, I started with what I know - Ubuntu Hardy comes with torrent downloading software Transmission. I've already added a few repositories to Synaptic, so I take my chances and search for Transmission. Luck is on my side and it shows up. I mark it for installation and apply changes. All appears well, but the Transmission icon fails to show itself in any of the menus, and it does not load using sudo transmission in the console. If it did install correctly, I'll never know.
Next step - I google torrents for the Eee and find that ktorrent is the most popular. I follow a simple tutorial and it downloads no problem. Looks and acts similar to Transmission, so I'm feeling good. Now to deal with the space restrictions.
I go to "Configure Ktorrent" in the settings menu and change the downloading path to an external 8GB flash drive. Easy fix.
After a quick search on Pirate Bay, I'm all set.Installing Ktorrent only took a few minutes and changing the download path is an easy hack to combat the Eee's space restrictions.
4 thoughts Labels: applications, downloading, memory, torrents
Day 1
On November 4th, while our nation was participating in a history-making presidential election, I was quietly enjoying my 27th birthday and eating cake with my family. This was also the day that I convinced my wife that I needed another laptop. When she asked why we needed a third (we also have a HP running Windows XP and a Dell with Ubuntu Hardy Heron installed) I had a simple answer - it's my birthday.
I had been following the Asus Eee PC for the past year, but could never find a way to sneak a $299 online purchase past my wife since she is usually the one who pays the bills. I had pretty much given up on the idea until I saw Target stores now carrying the 4G 900 series. Now how could I possibly sleep at night knowing there was a shelf full of these things only minutes from my house. I was sold.
That night I picked up a black model of the Asus and proudly marched it through Target. I got it home and all seemed well - it fired up right away, let me create a user name and password, and connected to my wireless with the correct WEP key. One problem - unless a well-aim sledgehammer blow was used, the enter key wasn't working. No biggie. A quick trip back to Target would remedy the problem.
Day 2
Asus #2 - Wireless is paint-dryingly slow. I know the first laptop wasn't like this, so there must be a problem. After much swearing, I decided to try one more time.
Day 3
To help curb my bad luck I decided to make Eee #3 white this time. Thank goodness Target has such a lax return policy. I spent the rest of the night cautiously exploring my new toy.
Day 4
Perhaps some background is needed here. I teach middle school English Language Arts in a semi-rural district near Niagara Falls. I enjoy using technology in my room, and I'm usually the guy other teachers go to when they need a hand with something computer related. Naturally when I brought the Eee in, my fellow teachers were immediately interested and wanted a full review. With all the problems I had already run into, I was a bit weary of giving a full report just yet. That's when I got an idea.
What if I only used the Asus Eee PC? No other computers either at home or sch0ol. Could I survive in a Windows world with a Linux machine with just over 1 GB of available space? And thus began the 100 Days with the Eee PC experiment.
Day 5
First stop - Google. I wanted to see what hidden potentials the Xandros install was harboring. It seems like many users install Eee-flavors of the 'buntu series, but I want to keep this little quest as simple as possible. Turns out Asus had the same idea. Originally they wanted to offer the Eee with two different desktop modes - easy and advanced. The advanced desktop never quite made it to the final install. There's a desktop icon in the settings menu, but it does nothing. I read that in an attempt to lessen customer service calls, Asus opted out of this option. Advanced mode still exists though - it just takes some tweaking. I found instructions on doing so here. I like it much better. It's KDE, and I'm used to Ubuntu's Gnome desktop, but there are certainly more options. I added a few shortcuts to the desktop, changed some backgrounds, and made myself a bit more comfortable. With a bit more googling I even found the needed repositories and installed audacity. It won't be lightening fast, but I do use it quite often at school with the kids, so it is necessary if my little experiment is to succeed.Here's a screenshot of my Eee in Advanced Desktop mode.
3 thoughts Labels: advanced desktop, asus, audacity, Eee PC
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